100% Pinot Nero
In the movie “Sideways”, Mile describes Pinot Noir like this: «It’s a hard grape to grow. As you know. It’s thin-skinned, temperamental, ripens early. It’s not a survivor like Cabernet that can grow anywhere and thrive even when neglected. Pinot needs constant care and attention and in fact can only grow in specific little tucked away corners of the world. And only the most patient and nurturing growers can do it really, can tap into Pinot’s most fragile, delicate qualities. Only when someone has taken the time to truly understand its potential can Pinot be coaxed into its fullest expression. And when that happens, its flavors are the most haunting and brilliant and subtle and thrilling and ancient on the planet». It is a fact that Pinot Nero is not an easy grape to grow and transform into wine, but in this case the name “Magone” (the blues, in Italian) does not refer to the mood of sorrow and disappointment that poor results could leave on the producer! “Magone” is the name of the vineyard – more precisely the sharecropping – responsible for that particular plot of land. This wine has repeatedly offered sublime interpretations of the grape variety, guaranteeing its release on the market only in the years during which it is able to express itself at its best. Sublime and rare like beauty.
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